Start Your Day Off Right with Grab and Go Make Ahead Smoothies!

Smoothies are such a healthy way to get in needed nutrients, protein, and help keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day! Here you’ll learn how to prep and freeze smoothies for the week, and you’ll have three healthy recipes to get you started. This go-to, easy breakfast will make your mornings easier, while bringing you closer to your health and weight loss goals. Virtual fist bump for valuing your health, friend.
Best Ingredients to Use
Here’s the anatomy of a perfect smoothie. Choose from the ingredients below, and try to have something from (almost) every category to ensure you have a balanced meal!
Ex: Protein powder (whey or vegan), plain organic Greek yogurt: Shoot for 20-30g
Ex: Greens powder, spinach/dark leafy greens, pumpkin, cucumber, ginger, celery, beets, etc: Shoot for 1-2 handfuls
Ex: Bananas, strawberries, pineapple, blueberries, berries, apples, etc: Shoot for 1-2 handfuls, but closer to 1 to help avoid too much sugar. Fruits like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, citrus fruits, and apples are lower in sugar.
Ex: Flax/hemp/or chia seeds, peanut butter, nuts, avocado, etc: Shoot for only 1 thumb-sized portion. Coconut oil is a healthy fat that many people add to their smoothies. I don’t feel like it blends up well, so I add it to my coffee instead. You need to eat healthy fats to lose fat, but calories add up quickly so watch your portions.
Ex: Water, ice cubes, almond or coconut milk (carton, not canned), organic dairy milk, kefir, green tea, etc. You can do juice but I would strictly limit it. Shoot for 4-8 oz of liquid, add more if needed!
Toppings (optional)
Ex: Coconut, oats, cinnamon, dark chocolate, etc. I usually add 1/4 cup of oats to help keep me full + cinnamon can help with metabolism! Sprinkle on to taste.
My Recommendations
Here are food and supplements I recommend, but hit up your produce aisle and freezer section, of course! Affiliate links follow, but at no extra cost to you. Depending on your grocery store, you can often buy cheaper on Amazon:

These tumblers and shakers will help! Ya gotta put the smoothie in something ;)

Best Ways to Freeze Your Smoothie
There are a few low-maintenance ways to do this. Pick what works best for you! Prep and make on a Sunday night, and you’re ready for the week!
Option #1
You can blend up all your smoothie ingredients, pour them into tumblers, and put them in the freezer. Set one out each night before you go to bed if you want it for breakfast, or grab it straight from the freezer in the morning if you’ll enjoy it later in the day!
If you do it this way, you can multiply your smoothie ingredients by 5 and blend them all together, or blend each separately. That depends on your blender, but blending each separately (or only a few at a time) will ensure you have a good ratio of each ingredient.
Option #2
Another easy way is to put the veggies, protein, toppings, fruit (save time and do already frozen fruit), and fat into a freezer bag or container lined with parchment paper. Dump the bag into the blender each morning and add your liquid and go!
I’ve never tried this one, but Pinterest says you can freeze yogurt in an ice tray. You could do that and then add it to your freezer bags.
Choose what’s easiest for you (option #1 is my fave), and don’t forget to set a reminder to take them out of the freezer when you need to!
Healthy Recipes
PB & J In a Cup
I got this recipe from a Fit Tutor member who is such an inspiration. 60+ pounds lost by diligently eating healthily and working out. Love her and this recipe!
- Handful of spinach
- 2 scoops chocolate protein powder (20g)
- 1 scoop berry greens supplement
- 1 tbsp PB fit
- 1 spoonful chia seeds
- Handful blueberries
- Almond milk
It doesn’t follow the guidelines above perfectly, but it’s super close and obviously works ;)
Ginger Anti-inflammatory Smoothie
- 1 scoop orange dreamcicle greens powder
- 1 tbsp fresh ginger
- 2 scoops vanilla protein powder (20g)
- 1 tbsp hemp seeds
- 1/4 cup oats
- Handful frozen strawberries
- + scoop of Greek yogurt or avocado to make it creamy :)
- Coconut milk
If you dislike the taste of greens, you will not regret this orange dreamcicle!
*Also, do not attempt to blend up ginger with a weak-ass blender. Just gross.
Classic Strawberry and Banana
- 2 scoops vanilla protein powder (20g)
- 1/2-1 medium banana
- 1/2 cup strawberries
- 1 tbsp flax seeds
- 1 scoop berry greens or 1-2 handfuls spinach
- 1-2 scoops Greek yogurt
- Coconut milk
Pro Smoothie-Makin’ Tips
I love the anatomy of a perfect smoothie guide because the possibilities are endless! Combine your favorite things together and create a dynamite, healthy smoothie!
If it’s not sweet enough, add in more fruit, a dab of honey, or some stevia. Watch your sugar though, and slowly cut down on it if you’re a sugar-holic!
Look for coconut, almond, and cashew milks that don’t have carageenan. It’s known for inflammation, and brands like Silk don’t have it. Its safety is being debated, so read your labels! Also watch out for added sugars- always!
Get a legit blender. One that actually blends and is easy to clean up. It’s worth your sanity and time! I’m loving my new Ninja, and this Magic Bullet is perfect for small spaces:

A Note on Protein Powders
Don’t be afraid of protein powders. Do your research of course and come up with your own conclusion, but often the “real food” people say is better than a powder is actually worse. Many people I talk with won’t touch a supplement, but are happy to eat the mysterious concoction known as chic-fil-a sauce. I’m happy to rock some vegan protein in my daily smoothie because it’s an easy, healthy source of protein. Stay away from non-organic, read your labels for iffy ingredients, and check out reviews from 3rd party institutions, like Labdoor. No pressure – and make your own decision, but I believe it’s worth being open-minded about :)
A Piece of the Puzzle
Rockin’ a healthy smoothie and getting your veggies in is only a piece to the healthy-living puzzle. If you need some help creating better lunches, dinners, and snacks, think about going through my Habit-based Nutrition Course or doing nutrition coaching with me! You have a lot to tackle in life, worrying about what you eat shouldn’t be such a big obstacle. I’m here to help!
The Fit Tutor has epic workout programs for every level of fitness that deliver results! Not to mention workout accountability so you’ll actually do them ;) Sign up today or reach out to me if you have questions.
Let me know how your freezer smoothies go, friends!
I’m proud of you for taking this step to better your health! You’re unstoppable! Ohhh yeahhh.
Share your favorite smoothie ingredient or recipe in the comments!
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I love smoothies thanks for writing this article about smoothies.