I totally understand the struggle of finding non-toxic beauty products that both work, are really as “clean” as they say, and don’t break the bank. Friends, today I’m stoked to share with you the non-toxic I ic lfnd tiingingSo S’s -tomascara that ended my years-long search!
When you have a minimalist beauty routine, your mascara needs to bring its A game. I usually only wear a tinted lotion with SPF, touch up my eyebrows, and mascara is the star of the show. While switching out all my chemical-laden products for natural ones, mascara was the hardest for me to find!

I’ve read a bazillion blogs on “the best” chemical-free mascaras. After trying each of them, I wondered if they were only listed because of their ingredients and not their performance. Goodness. Some days my entire eyes would have shifted about an inch south. This is an expensive hobby, y’all. Sometimes you tough out a bottle of so-so mascara but other times you just cannot. Then it’s off to the store you go!
While dreaming of a product that actually worked, I finally discovered Zuzu Luxe… like three years ago, so sorry for the delay in this post! I like to try things to make sure they’re really solid before recommending! ;)
Zuzu Luxe – My Fave Non-toxic & Vegan Mascara
So here are the stats: it scores a 2 on the EWG Skin Deep guide, which means it’s pretty darn non-toxic. It comes in several colors, and I think Onyx is the way to go.
It’s non-irritating, which I can vouch for since I’m allergic to just about every mascara at the drug store. Zuzu Luxe is always vegan, cruelty-free, made in the USA, and gluten-free (but I’m pretty sure this doesn’t matter unless you eat it). It’s also Paraben- and talc- free. If you’ve ever sat through an Arbonne presentation you probably have nightmares about Parabens.
It’s pretty cry-resistant. Since it’s water-resistant, it outlasts most crying – from heart to hearts with friends, crying out a recent failure, worship at a church service, or ya know, a commercial. Commercials get me every time. Am I the only one? There are a few days I need to do a little damage control, but I’ve yet to cry it all off. I never look like I’m without makeup.
It has never come off during a workout! Sweat proof indeed! Guess I should mention that since this is a workout website ;)

Try it Yourself!
Two of my BFF’s refused to believe it was as cry-resistant and wonderful as I said. Rude, I know. But they finally gave it a try and love it too!
The best part? It’s returnable from Amazon, so you can try it risk-free. It’s a little more than I’d love to pay for mascara, but a tube will last a long time. And did I mention it actually works?! I’m glad my search is over and wanted to share this gem with you.
Give it a try by clicking this link (and let me know what you think!)
This post contains an affiliate link. I make a small profit at zero extra cost to you. I promise to not recommend things I don’t fully stand behind! Thanks!

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