Earlier this year I created a results-driven quarantine workout program for busy women, called the Power20, and the results have been nothing but great! Due to repeated requests for more, I’m launching the Power20 Sequel Program!
I’m pumped for you to join me in getting fit in only 30 days, but let’s first chat about how to know if these programs are right for you.
If you’re looking to get stronger…
The Power20 Programs involve strength training, and even start out each workout with a heavy lift (or one with high reps if you don’t have heavy weights) which will really strengthen your muscles. Gaining strength helps you look more defined and healthy, and it helps make daily tasks, like trying to carry all of your groceries in one trip, so much easier!
If you’re looking to lose some pandemic weight…
This quarantine workout program uses HIIT and circuit training to boost your metabolism and get your heart rate going, which will burn calories for hours after you’re done! Combining high intensity intervals with weights is one of the best ways to lose weight while looking and feeling stronger and more confident.
If you’re looking to get healthier…
These quarantine workout programs can help you take better care of your body, increase your heart and lung capacity and improve your body’s response to stress, decrease your risk for type II diabetes, heart disease, and many other medical conditions – all in only 4 short workouts a week!
If any of this sounds like what you need, read on to hear more about what to expect with the Power20 Programs!

What to Expect in the Power20 Programs
Each workout is 20 minutes.
Each week you’ll have four new strength training workouts that will focus on these muscles:
- glutes
- upper body
- legs
- abs
Each Workout is Set Up Like This:
You’ll start out each workout with a heavier lift. Grab your heavy dumbbells if you’ve got ’em and shoot for only a few reps, or plan to do that exercise for 15-20 reps or so with lighter weights!
For the Circuit, you’ll have 7 strength or plyometric exercises that you’ll perform for a minute each, and cycle through x2 for 14 minutes total.
After your circuit, you’ll perform your “finisher” exercise and then stretch! Your finisher will be for about 1 minute or until failure, and you should really feel the burn at the end of each workout.
They’re Both 30 Day Workout Programs Perfect for Busy Women
Four 20 minute workouts a week for four weeks! If you have the grit to carve that out in your schedule, then this program is for you! It’s perfect for even the busiest of women. Maximum results in a short amount of time. Cardio is encouraged but not mandated ;)
This was designed to be the perfect quarantine workout program, but of course it will be even better when all this madness is over! ;)
They’re Great For Beginners, too
Like all Fit Tutor workouts, this program can be modified for each fitness level. Each exercise has its own quick video tutorial that will include a way to make it harder or easier.
If this sounds like what you need in your life, let’s go!
Sign up for the Power20 Programs + over 10 other at home Fitness Programs for only $50
2020 is has been full of challenges to say the least, so I’ve drastically lowered my prices to help us all cope and so everyone can afford getting in shape from home! (I have a limited free plan for people who’ve lost their jobs- email me for details!).
A membership will give you access to:
- proper form and instruction from a nationally certified trainer
- access to my nutrition program + meal plans
- weekly workouts that include bodyweight workouts if you’re having trouble finding weights right now thanks to the ‘rona
- 10+ other fitness programs so you’ll never get bored!
- an exercise library and workout creator so you can build your own workouts and save your favorite exercises!
- and so much more. For eva-eva. For only $50. This price won’t last forever, though, so don’t wait!
I’ve been cycling through the Power20, Power20 Sequel, and my old fave the BMAX program since the pandemic hit. Who knew quarantine workout programs would be a thing?!
By the way, we’re still in Phase 1 in Oregon, so although gyms may be reopened near you, that’s not really an option here, but thanks to these workouts and a trusty pair of dumbbells, I haven’t paid for a gym in over 5 years! Join me, friends!
Let’s get fit together! Bring a friend along for the fun, too!
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