Hey you! I’m so excited you’re starting this program. Like, doing the electric slide alone in my house excited. It’s going to be the BEST!
This Bridal Bootcamp will get you in amazing shape for your big day! Not only will you find awesome results-driven workouts, but you will also find encouragement, support, and accountability if you want it!
The Bootcamp is curated to get you looking your best- not only for your dress- but also for your marriage, for yourself, and your confidence! Your health will improve, and you’ll be empowered with learning new workout styles, exercises and a better way to eat!
The best part is that this is one less thing to worry about. You have so many decisions to make, what to do to look your best shouldn’t be one of them. I’ve done that for you, and all you have to do is follow this program! Three cheers for less stress!
You don’t have to be a fiancée to do this program- anyone looking for an awesome program to get them great results has come to the right place!

What to Expect
Your Goals
The goals of this program are to help promote fat loss if needed, improve strength, tone your muscles, target “trouble zones” or areas you want to show off, and to improve your health and your confidence!
You’ll have the option to go through the nutrition course along with the program so you can have not only improved results, but also the knowledge to eat right without dieting for the rest of your life!
Your Workouts
How Long
This program is 6 months long, but I can help you figure out how to shorten or lengthen it if your wedding is not 6 months away! :)
The workouts vary in length, get more challenging, and get little longer as the program goes on. They are probably around 30 minutes on average, but of course vary week to week. Each can be customized for your schedule or for a busy week (more on that below)!
The Bridal Bootcamp starts out with workouts a few days a week and will lead you to workout more frequently as you get in better shape. I encourage you to push yourself and do what you can, even if you can’t do exactly what the schedule suggests!
Workout Styles
Each month has a different style of workout, and with a few exceptions, each week will have a different workout to complete.
Each phase of the bootcamp is designed to ignite your metabolism and challenge your muscles in a different way, which will ensure you get results for the entire program! You will do full body workouts, split routines, AMRAPs, Tabatas, Countdown workouts, Supersets and more- and I’ll explain how to do each as we go!
Fit Tutor Workouts and Videos
If you’re new to the fit tutor, all of my workouts are composed of strength and plyometric exercises because those get the best results! Each exercise has its own video, and within each video there’s instructions/demonstration for how to do the exercise, along with a beginner, intermediate, and advanced modification.
If you don’t know any of the exercises, you will invest some time watching the videos before you dominate each workout. Don’t worry, you will learn the exercises quickly and will spend less time watching each week! New exercises will be introduced gradually so you don’t feel like you’re watching a lot of videos every week.
You can save time by watching the videos before you workout so you can go through it quickly and refer back to the videos only as needed.
Equipment Needed
You will need a pair of dumbbells to complete these workouts. Preferably, you will get 3 pairs of dumbbells or an adjustable set so you can increase when instructed to get maximum results! (More on that below) A yoga or exercise mat is helpful, but not necessary for floor and ab work.
How Each Workout Is Set Up
On each monthly overview page you will see a schedule for the week that will tell you how many days to strength train and how often to do cardio. You’ll find links to that month’s workout, too.
On each workout page, you’ll find instructions for the workout and a description of the type of workout you’re doing (ex: split routine, HIIT, etc). On the left side of each page you will see the order of the exercises and on the right side, the exercise videos. Finally, at the bottom of each page you’ll find your cardio days and links to suggested cardio workouts and times!
Rest Days
Your rest days will be included in your schedule as well. Recommended activities on rest days include general movement (doing chores vs. lying on the couch), walks, yoga, and stretching. You can push yourself for 6 days a week if you want to…. But I encourage you to take at least 1 full active rest day per week!
Getting Started
Now that you know what to expect, here are some final details so you can get started!
Choose Your Level
There are 3 different levels of the program, so choose which level seems to fit you the best. Not sure? Ask me for help!
Each workout is made to go with the modifications that are the same as the level of the workout (for example all of the beginner workouts go with the beginner modifications of the exercises), but you can choose to go up or down a level for any exercise as you need to!
To help you decide which level to choose, follow these guidelines:
Beginner: someone who has very little experience with strength training exercises and/or is currently active only zero to one day per week.
Intermediate: someone who has some experience with strength training exercises and/or is currently active 2-3 days per week.
Advanced: someone who has experience with strength training exercises and is currently active 4 or more days per week.
Make it Yours
As you progress through the workouts, you will become more confident in not only your body, but also your ability to exercise and know what your body needs.
You have the freedom to go between the modifications for each exercise depending on your strengths, weaknesses, past injuries, etc. You may do beginner pushups, but are able to do the advanced version of a squat, for example. Perhaps on a Friday after a long week, you need to decrease the weight you’re using or drop down to easier modifications because you’re tired. That’s OK. Make it yours!
Since every body is different, some exercises might not work for you. You might not be able to do them, they hurt you, or you just plain hate them. You have the freedom to switch out exercises that don’t work for you with other exercises in the Library! I’m happy to help you find a replacement!
Make It Harder
There are several ways to make this program harder. If you’re starting out the program already in shape, Month 1 might need a little tweaking, and that’s OK! Month 1 is general strength and conditioning, and if you’re in good shape already here are a few things you can do.
These tips can apply to every month of the program, too!
- Increase reps or time
- Do a more challenging modification if possible
- Decrease rest time
- Increase weight you’re lifting
- Add a few exercises! If you’re life goal is a jaw-dropping back in your dress, add in more back exercises, or plyometrics to melt the fat!
- I’m happy to help you determine what to add, too!
I’ll remind you of these things every so often, but feel free to come back here if you need this!
Or Easier…
If you’re starting out the program as “beginner” as one can be, no worries. I’m super proud of you, and I know you’ll get results! You can do the opposite of each suggestion above to make the program work for you.
To get the best results, I encourage you to do what’s listed in each workout; however make it yours if/when needed! :)
Make It Shorter
Keeping that above statement in mind, I understand that life doesn’t slow down for a wedding. In fact, the opposite tends to happen, and carving out time to workout can be tough. Each week, check the workout schedule and add it to your calendar. Adjust your schedule based on what days you have the most time to workout, and try to give priority to the strength training workouts on those days.
On crazy weeks or busy days, you can shorten up your workout time. You can
- go through the workout less sets than suggested,
- take less rest breaks,
- go through it like a circuit so you have control over how long it takes,
- or make the workout an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) where you set a timer and work until it goes off.
There are always ways to make your workouts happen and still get amazing results with this program even if things are hectic. Try those methods, and reach out if you need help or accountability!
Getting the Best Results
For the best results, follow the program as directed. I will encourage you weekly or monthly throughout the program to increase the weight you’re lifting whenever something gets easy!
Your body will adapt and adjust quickly, so if something seems easy, it means you’re not burning as many calories as you were. That doesn’t mean every workout should be really hard and a struggle… it means if you’re using 5 pound dumbbells for curls and it’s really easy, it’s time to get a heavier pair so you can 1) burn more calories and 2) get more efficient results!
You can approach this increase in weight in a few different ways.
If you have a gym membership, it won’t be difficult to increase. Just pay attention to when things get easier (or when I tell you to increase!), and go up in weight.
If you workout at home, consider these options:
- Start out with a few pairs of dumbbells in varying weights so you can increase as needed
- Ex: 5 lb pair, 10 lb pair, 15 lb pair
- Start out with 1 or 2 pairs of dumbbells, but plan on buying a new pair every 2 months or so
- Buy an adjustable pair of dumbbells
- These take up less space and you won’t have to worry about increasing weight! They are more expensive, but I’ve found they are worth the money!
- If increasing isn’t an option for whatever reason don’t stress!- you will still get results! Please continue to challenge yourself in other ways as you go through the program, like
- Shortening rest times
- Adding reps or work time
- Going through the exercises slowly and controlled
- Doing a harder modification if possible
This bootcamp is designed to get you the body you want! Increasing the weight you lift will help you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about this!
Where to find dumbbells
There’s a 99% guarantee you have a friend or neighbor who has a dusty pair in a closet. Places like Play It Again Sports and TJ Maxx will have good deals. About $1 per pound is a good deal. I’ve found similarly priced ones for you on Amazon, as well as links to adjustable ones and yoga mats!

Check out my shop for other things that might help you! All you need are dumbbells, but other things can help, like a good blender for protein shakes, a foam roller for sore muscles, and my recommended protein powder! I also have other supplements and kitchen tools to make this healthy lifestyle easier!
What to do if You’re Sore
Lifting weights breaks down your muscle fibers. When they repair, they get stronger. Letting your muscles repair is really important, so never do strength workouts on back to back days, unless instructed to do so with a split routine. Always have a cardio or rest day in between.
If you’re sore, you never want to just sit around. Good options would be to stretch, do cardio, go for a walk, or do the workout with a lighter weight. Getting your blood pumping can help your muscles repair and feel better.
Start out Week 1 cautiously to avoid being super sore! It’s OK to do the lower end of the reps and sets, especially if you haven’t been working out recently!
Here We Go!
I’m so excited for you, and I hope you are too! I know you’ll get great results, and I’m here to cheer you on along the way! Reach out if you have questions, would like accountability, or when you need encouragement! You will be (even more!) drop dead gorgeous in 6 months. You worry about the wedding planning, I’ll worry about getting you in shape ;)