If you’re anything like me, some of the changes 2020 has brought includes new unhealthy habits and extra pounds! If you’re ready to start a new path forward with the help of an accountability group and some strategic habit and goal setting, then join me for The Fit Tutor’s one month online fitness challenge!
The dates for this online fitness challenge will be Sunday October 25th – Tuesday November 24th (Thanksgiving-Eve-Eve!). A perfect time to reset before the holidays and focus on taking great care of yourself.
Work Towards Your Goals with New Friends
Join me in our Fit Tutor Accountability group on Facebook as we’re posting weekly and daily goals and updating our progress. It’s small enough where your absence will be noticed if you’re not posting, plus it’s a great way to get encouragement, recipes, and advice along the way!
I’m Ali, and I’ll be your online trainer, and I’ll be posting and checking up on you there, too! (The facebook group is for women only, so sorry!)

Here’s How to Design Your Own Goals for the One Month Online Fitness Challenge
This challenge is for all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels! To make that possible, you get to determine your own goals based on this guide.
You’ll be setting at least 3 habits for the month and tracking your success at working them into your daily life. You can set more if you’d like, but I encourage you to be mindful not to overdo it. I’m setting 5.
1-2 Workout Habits
Commit to a specific number of workouts each week.
I’d love to suggest one of the Power20 workouts or the Dirty 30 that are each 1 month long!
Determine how many workouts you want to get in and what type
- strength
- cardio
- yoga
- walking
- etc!
Specify how long each should be to count towards your goals, if needed.
Ex: Three 1 hour walks each week, or Four 20 minute Strength workouts each week. Make it your own!

2 Nutrition Habits
My nutrition has fallen by the wayside during all the fun 2020 has brought our way! I’m focusing on getting back to healthy eating while curbing some of my bad habits.
Think about what is doable for you right now and where you want to head in your nutrition! This might be where you quit eating dessert or where you try to eat more vegetables. Figure out what’s possible and what you need to do to get there!
One (+) Addition Nutrition Habit
For your first nutrition habit, you’ll be adding in a healthy behavior!
For example, you could
- add in meal planning
- eat 20g of protein at each meal
- start calorie counting
- eat one serving of vegetables at each meal
- drinking 8 glasses of water a day
- etc etc
What’s one good habit you could add to your day or week to help you reach your overall healthy goals?
Maybe it’s something you’re already doing…but only sometimes. You could focus on this nutrition habit to make it stick and be held accountable for your adherence!
One (-) Subtraction Nutrition Habit
For your second nutrition goal, you’ll be subtracting something from your diet, whether it’s a certain food or an unhealthy quarantine habit!
Examples include
- giving up sweets (or limiting them to weekends only or only two times each week)
- cut your carbs after 7pm
- stop eating before you’re full
- limit alcohol to 2 drinks/week or only drink when out (socially distanced) with friends
- stop eating after 8pm
- etc etc
Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you can easily track. We’ll make a weekly habit chart and a simple (and oh-so satisfying) checkmark is all it will take to show you were successful that day or that meal! Measurable goals and habits are the best, and I know this isn’t news to you.

Create a Habit Chart
I’m such a broken record on these, but habit charts are the key to a successful one month online fitness challenge – or any goal for that matter!
If your overall goal is to lose your Corona15 weight, you can’t just write a goal that you want to “workout more to lose 15 pounds.” That will work for very few of you.
You have to map out your path to get there. Why did you gain weight, or what’s in your way of exercising? Find out what your hinderances are and make a plan for success.
This is where habit charts shine!
Here are the basics for your habit chart
- Write the days of the week on the top and your habits down the side.
- Make boxes so you can check them off when you crush each habit!
- Track your adherence = divide how many checks you earned by how many possible. You want a 90+ success rate to really move towards your goals!
If you have a per-meal goal, like “stop before you’re full at breakfast, lunch, and dinner,” adjust your chart accordingly. If you’re like me and can’t give something up but want to limit it (my goal: only 2 desserts each week) you’ll need to factor that in for your total number of checks possible.
Here’s a blank one you can use to get started
Click the link above for a habit chart and click “file” & “make a copy” to use it as your own!
If you want to deep dive a bit more into this, I wrote a post about habit charts. Shocking, I know. It will explain your adherence rate more in depth as well.
Accountability and Prizes!
Because we need someone checking in on us so we don’t fall off the wagon again, and because we should be rewarded for even considering goals during an election year + pandemic. I’m here for you, friends.
Group Accountability
I’ve already mentioned our stellar facebook accountability group. I adore these women and champion them, and I can’t wait for you to join us!
Each week I’ll have you post your goals, and then give daily(ish) updates about how things are going! At the beginning of the next week we’ll share updates on our habit chart and adherence rates!
- You’ll want 90%+ success rate each week to be eligible for prizes!
- Consider this as you set your goals: challenging but not impossible!
Not on facebook? You can check in with me via email daily about your status! I’m not able to do in-depth personal accountability during this season, however I’m happy to do simple check-ins with you via email instead of facebook.
Did Someone Say Prize?
Kind of!
You’ll place a wager on your success, and if you succeed you’ll get your money back!
To start, you’ll send me (cash app, venmo, apple pay) what you choose to wager (minimum $25). At the end of the month, if you’ve met your goals with at least 90% adherence each week, you’ll get your money back!
If you earn your money back, you’ll also be entered into a drawing to win anyone’s money who didn’t quite find success in their habits for the one month online fitness challenge!
Don’t trust me? I’m a one on the enneagram. ;)
Example Fitness Challenge Goals
If you’re not exactly sure what’s best for you, figure out how many goals you can handle right now. You might need to start small, and that’s OK. If you’re doing decently and want to step it up a notch, then plan your habits accordingly!

Here are my habits:
- Workout goal: 6 workout days each week: 3-4 Strength days from the Power20 Workout Program + 2-3 Yoga/Foam rolling/Walking
- + Nutrition goal: adding in breakfast and coffee prep the night before so I can workout in the mornings before work 3 days/week. I’m also adding in meal planning at the start of each week.
- — Nutrition goal: cut out tortilla chips completely and limit alcohol and desserts to only twice each week
- Commitment: 90+% Accountability, and I’m wagering $50!
How to Join the One Month Online Fitness Challenge
Sign up for the Fit For Life Membership on The Fit Tutor. Thanks to the ‘Rona and the hard times we’re all in together, I’ve dropped the price by one hundred dollars, and so for a limited time it’s only $50!
After you’ve signed up, email me and say you want in! I’ll invite you to the facebook group and we can all chat goals and send wagers (!) until we start on Sunday October 25th!
Let’s do this, friends! This year has kept me down too long. It’s time to rise up and take better care of myself, and I can’t wait for you to join me!
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