After another “unprecedented” year that ends in holiday splurges, who needs a reset? I’ve had several people reach out with their hands raised high saying...

After another “unprecedented” year that ends in holiday splurges, who needs a reset? I’ve had several people reach out with their hands raised high saying...
Starting off your day with a well-balanced meal is one of the kindest things you can do for yourself and your body! This smoothie has...
As our New Years goals fade into the distance, many of us find our sugar intake creeping up. Birthday parties, Easter candy, a stressful Tuesday...
Let’s face it. Most of us need a reset. The calendar is about to change from this “historic” year to a new year with a...
If you’re anything like me, some of the changes 2020 has brought includes new unhealthy habits and extra pounds! If you’re ready to start a...
Earlier this year I created a results-driven quarantine workout program for busy women, called the Power20, and the results have been nothing but great! Due...
Quarantine life has inspired me to create this stress busting, fat blasting, strength building program that you can do (at home!) in only 20 minutes....
Friends, I have lots to tell you, but let’s start with the most exciting: my new 30 day workout program: the Dirty Thirty. It combines...
Here’s to an easy, healthy summer! You can stay slim, fueled, and satisfied with these healthy salad recipes high in protein! When the weather is...
Today I’m answering many of your questions about The Fit Tutor’s Postpartum Exercise Program details. I’ve talked at length about why mamas need a different...
here's the best non-mineral sunscreens!...
I’m on a mission to help you on your journey to find ethically made and sustainable activewear that works for you! You’ve heard me talk...
Anti-rotation core exercises are some of the toughest “anti-core” work you can do. Developing the strength to do these moves correctly will help you look...
If you’re looking for a more effective and more efficient way to train your core and get flat abs, look no further. “Anti-core” exercises not...
Although we know Sir Mix-a-lot says that side bends and sit-ups are okay, there are much better ab exercises to get you the strong and...
I totally understand the struggle of finding non-toxic beauty products that both work, are really as “clean” as they say, and don’t break the bank....
In light of recent research, our culture is slowly shifting away from a work-yourself-to-the-bone mentality. Working smarter, not longer, is shining through as the true...
Is age related weight gain inevitable? It’s all-too-common to put on a few pounds as you get older. We blame our age and slowing metabolism,...
Focusing on your macros can be a game changer for your weight loss and fitness goals. This article will walk you through the basics on...
The last few weeks we’ve been talking about the ins and outs of calorie counting. Spoilers: it’s not that accurate, but it can be really...
My Favorite Non-toxic Deodorant I’ve written before about my beloved homemade deodorant. I used it for several years before I got too lazy to make...
We recently discussed whether or not you should count calories and the benefits and inaccuracies of the process. Whether or not you should count calories...
Counting calories could be a tedious yet rewarding part of your fat loss journey, but that all depends on who you are. The process has...
A habit chart is the #1 tool I use with both clients and myself to work towards health and fitness goals. I am convinced this...
No one wants to be a quitter, but we all start the year off knowing there’s a good chance our goals will fizzle out. In...
Friends, here are my top posts from 2018. I work my caboose off to provide you with the best health and fitness advice that you...
Maybe it’s the industry that I’m in, but it seems like everyone only sets weight loss goals for their New Year’s Resolutions. Although that’s noble...
I talk with a ton of women looking for quick fixes and drastic changes to their diet to lose weight fast. Although we all know...
Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for your friend who’s into fitness or if you’re looking to add ethically made active wear to your...
The leaves have fallen and now hot cider, sweaters, boots, egg nog and the cold and flu are now on our focus. Changing seasons surely...
Giving experience gifts rather than material possessions can be so meaningful! Here’s a thorough list of experiences your friend or family member who’s into health...
Carrying your stress in your neck and upper back leads to a host of problems. Headaches, constant tension, pain, and muscular imbalances are just a...
Follow these tips to keep working towards your fitness goals despite what life throws at you. Let’s be real, some weeks the schedule is clear,...
How should you exercise after having a baby? Your doctor cleared you, so anything goes, right? Definitely not. In this article I’ll explain why postnatal...
If you struggle with meal planning, you’re not alone. As a Nutrition Coach, my inability to meal plan has always been a mark on my...
Hey there friend! It’s the end of summer and I need to focus on happy things to avoid thinking about the impending rain that’s headed...
I spend a majority of my life encouraging women to make time for themselves, prioritize their health, and restructure their lives so that stress and...
Can you eat fruit and still lose weight or keep working towards your goals? Yes! You don’t have to give up delicious summer fruits in the name...
There are hundreds of BCAA supplements out there, how do you know which is the best? I’ve scoured the interwebs, including ingredient labels, quality control...
A healthy body and mind are a great defense against cravings and a bulwark against stress. Along with a healthy diet and plenty of rest,...
Intermittent fasting is all the rage, but does it actually work? It boasts benefits of lowered cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, as well as increased metabolism,...
Have you ever told yourself something like “If I lose 20 pounds then I will be happy with my body” or “As soon as I...
This past year has been a huge journey in understanding my capacity. A very humbling journey, I might add. I’m guessing I’m not alone. Do...
You’ve been taught to keep your commitments and to not break a promise. You probably go out of your way to make sure you don’t...
What’s Diastasis Recti? A diastasis recti [pronounced: dī-ăs′tə-sĭs rec-tie] is when your connective tissue between your abs stretches out. This is most common in pregnancy, occurring...
Antioxidants are all the rage, right? Everything from foods to supplements to oils to skincare products boast of these wonderful little miracle workers. Confession: for...
After making the tough decision to cut back or give up your coffee obsession, a game plan is crucial. After researching things like caffeine’s connection...
Recently, I posted a status on Facebook asking people to send sympathy cards because it had been 2 months since I gave up coffee. It...
As I reflect on this past year, getting a food sensitivity test was honest-to-goodness one of the main highlights. It had such a dramatic effect...
While some people are graced with determination and motivation, others of us know we will not accomplish any health or fitness goal without a watchdog....
My New Years Resolutions aren’t necessarily fitness related, but they have everything to do with health. And yes, I love a new year, a fresh...
When a new year rolls around, you’re usually focusing on new habits to build and what you want to accomplish. We focus a lot on...
Believe it or not, you can get healthier this coming year without dieting. Diets can be restrictive, leave you feeling hungry, and we often associate...
This 6 Week Challenge is the perfect jumpstart you need to make your goals a reality! In January 2018, The Fit Tutor is launching one...
Doing a push-up correctly is a great goal, a feat of strength, and something you often have to work up to! If you aren’t strong...
Great news! It’s possible to decrease the carbs in comfort foods and your favorite carb-heavy dishes. It usually involves replacing at least part of the carb-heavy...
If you have a friend or loved one who is even kinda-sorta into fitness, food, or health, you’ve come to the right place for gifts....
Do you get shin splints or have you ever experienced them at some point? If yes, you know just how painful they can be, and...
Am I too much of a Dreamer that I dare to believe our pumpkin-the-world fix can be healthy? What if I told you this shake...
Do you wish your arms were more defined and toned? Strength training can help make the jiggle go away -and get you arms that demand...
You’ve heard over and over again to eat more protein. Bacon everything is all the rage. Processed meats can be high in protein, but are...
The weather is changing, the leaves are turning, and soup season is here! “Warm soup belly” is such a wonderful way to find comfort and...
Fall is synonymous with pumpkin patches, gorgeous colors, crisp temperatures, and soup! My husband and I look forward to soup season almost as much as...
No matter how good I want to be at meal planning, grocery shopping, and prepping healthy meals, I’m usually coming up short. On weeks where...
Everyone tells you to eat your veggies, and you’ve of course been hounded with all of their benefits. Every time you start a new diet...
If you suffer from tight hips, I’ve compiled the best stretches and exercises to help you get the relief you need! Whether your hips are...
Exercise should be simple, right? We all took PE class so we know how to workout, it’s just making sure we do it. Eating right?...
Instead of researching the latest and greatest diet fad or supplement to lose weight, have you thought of trying something so simple and timeless as...
This cardio abs workout will get your heart rate up and tone your core while helping to shrink your waistline! You can do it all...
Leggings are one of the greatest creations ever. Slimming yet stretchy, comfy yet fancy, for workouts, lounging, being a hot mess at Target, as well...
Prioritizing healthy habits can be tough. You know all the reasons to make exercise happen, but after a rough night of sleep your free will...
Dear Mamas, I know summertime can be chaotic yet magical, and simultaneously stressful and wonderful. It’s where some of the best memories are made with...
Going green with your workout routine is much easier than you think, and I’m positive both you and the environment will get great results! Try...
Not all sparkling waters are healthy. Some contain loads of sugar while appearing to be a healthy option. Others include questionable ingredients that could harm...
If you’ve ever tried to cut calories, lose weight, or eat healthier, then you know the struggle is real: Hunger. It’s there to sabotage your valiant...
The pace of life so far in 2017 has been fast, and I’ve been slowly running behind it, trying to flag it down. We were thrust...
I find that most of my clients struggle at work. They make healthy choices, pack a healthy lunch, but work potlucks, shockingly frequent National Donut Days,...
Running is an excellent way to burn calories, get in great shape, and reach your weight loss goals! Unfortunately, running for weight loss isn’t as...
Adding these glute exercises for runners to your routine will improve your speed and help keep you injury free! The repetitive movements in running create strong quads,...
Dearest reader, I’m psyched for this guest post, and after you read her amazing bio, I know you’ll be hanging on her every word! Dr....
We all have goals, and there’s a good chance you have one related to fitness since you clicked on this post. A weight loss chart is...
Long gone are the days that runners fear weight training will make them bulky and slow them down. However, just because that myth has been busted...
Whether you’ve lost track of how many half marathons you’ve done or you’ve caught the running bug with this Spring weather, strength training can help...
Excited to share this helpful post from our guest blogger, Caroline! We’ve all been there. You’re sitting around the house bored and with nothing to...
How little black shorts can help you look amazing in your little black dress Read how and why it works, and then do the workout...
Kegels can be a woman’s best friend, but research shows more may not be merrier. If you’ve wondered how many you should be doing, have...
Start Your Day Off Right with Grab and Go Make Ahead Smoothies! Smoothies are such a healthy way to get in needed nutrients, protein, and...
Congrats on your engagement!!! Marriage is wonderful, and planning a wedding can be so much fun! While you’re executing your amazing and creative ideas to...
I don’t know about you, but my mind likes to narrate what’s happening. If I’m stressed out, it likes to remind me of that, oh,...
It All Started with this Epiphany Last summer I had the amazing experience of going back home to Indiana to play in an alumni volleyball game...
In your attempts to dominate 2017, have you spent any time reflecting on 2016? Social media is barraging us with messages about how awful last...
Friend, can you relate to this all-too-common scenario? You’ve started eating healthier and exercising. You’re feeling better and noticing a difference in your body, so...
If you’re one of the billions of people who have started towards a goal you never reached, I have the secret sauce that will make...
A Workout Program For Everyone (And Every Schedule!) The Fit Tutor offers several different workout programs to get great results for every fitness level. They...
Santa’s Belly and Aunt Bethany’s Jello Will Be The Only Things Jiggling This Christmas! It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Except for when it...
It’s almost Christmas, and you’re running out of time to buy presents. In a few short days you won’t even be able to Amazon Prime...
I’ve written a lot of articles about how to be healthy and lose weight over the holidays, but today’s article is more about survival. It’s...
One of the biggest issues people face is finding the time to workout. When there are one thousand items on your to-do list, not to...
Hey friend. First of all let’s say that you’re not alone; stress eating is all-too-common. Some people turn it into a joke, and others do...
Because we could all use this right about now You guys, the other day I just snapped. I was so stressed at the thought of making...
Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks… and do planks! Did you know that?! These plank variations will help you get in on the amazingness...
This weapon in your weight loss arsenal seems so simple, yet it carries so much power. Have you ever binged or eaten something you know you...
When you think about eating healthier, what are the things that seem hardest to give up? Maybe it’s your soda habit, your chocolate addiction, or...
Do you know how to tell if your friendly competition has crossed the line into something that’s toxic and harmful? We know there are plenty...
Do you ever get overwhelmed by all the weight loss tips and health advice out there? I’ve waded through a lot of it, and I’ll...
Treat yo self this fall…. responsibly! I talk with people all the time who are confused about why they aren’t losing weight. Indulging every now...
Learn how this postpartum workout program can help prevent injury and promote the healing of your post-baby body, while boosting your metabolism and helping you...
Friends, I’m ecstatic to introduce my new workout program called the 20 Minute Express! I created it in response to consistently talking with women who...
We cancelled plans with friends last Sunday because I was under the weather. I was frustrated, and sitting around all night trying to rest had me...
Before we get into the meat of this, can I confess something to you guys? I’m so embarrassed, but even though I’m a personal trainer...
There’s a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Exercise After Pregnancy Here’s the deal mamas, just because you’re “cleared for exercise” doesn’t mean you...
Cheat meals and cheat days are all the rage, but if you aren’t doing them correctly, they could be taking you further away from your...
We’ve all been hurt, no matter how big or small, and we’ve all been faced with the decision to forgive. What we do with that...
Do you want the recipe to a personal trainer and nutrition coach’s go-to weeknight meal? Well, here ya go. I love fun, new Pinterest recipes...
Long story short: butts are all the rage right now. And although looking killer and feeling confident in your jeans or shorts is nice (OK…...
Dumbbells are my favorite and most recommend tool to help you get stronger, in shape, and lose weight! I strongly advise all women to lift weights,...
Friends, to start out, let’s say the word JOURNEY out loud. Let that be freeing in itself. It’s a process, a quest, and it takes...
Most of us start out the year with the same resolutions: we want abs, we want to look great in a bathing suit, and we want to feel confident...
Being hardcore with your New Year’s workout goal is awesome, but for most of us it’s not sustainable. What do you do when life happens:...
Hi friends! I’ve put together a month of meals for the hubs and me, and wanted to share in case it makes your life easier, too!...
We are so excited to launch our online Nutrition Course! Read more to learn how we can help you end dieting forever. Nutrition Matters We’ve all...
This is the time of year when life gets extra hectic, sugar-filled, and pants tightening. Traveling for the holidays can be hard, and squeezing in...
I’m a personal trainer, and at one point my dog was extremely overweight. That’s pretty embarrassing. He’s also part dachshund, which is one of the...
As a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I spend a lot of energy trying to convince people to develop healthy habits. I’m always excited when people...
My husband has been yelling “pumpkin the world!” ever since October 1st. Needless to say, we love Fall and the accompanying Fall treats. After scouring...
Ahhh Fall. We’ve been waiting for sweaters and boots, pumpkin spice lattes, bonfires, and snuggles for months. Fall is such a well-loved time of year,...
Nutrient timing, carb cycling, macro ratios, and calorie counting are all enough to make one’s head explode. For the average exerciser, post-workout nutrition can be...
People have been asking me what I recommend to eat before a workout, so here are my suggestions, along with some important things to consider for your...
I’m not going to lie. I would rather have titled this post “How to Dominate Your Vacation” but that could be misleading. I also wanted...
No matter why you need knee-friendly exercises, this is a great list that will help you strengthen your lower body. There’s a lot of muscle...
Friends, I promise I have not fallen off the face of the planet. I have been busy. Too busy. And things are finally slowing down....
I love coffee. And I know I’m not alone. My morning cup of coffee is a sacred time. A time to read, reflect, snuggle my...
If we’re being honest, you could replace the word “skinny” in the title to strong, thick, fit, overweight- whatever you want. Someone not supporting you is...
These sayings will motivate you whether you hate to exercise or are a fitness addict! Every woman should adopt these for those “off” days. Working out can...
This is a commonly asked question, and I’ve read many different answers. Here’s what you need to know about your water intake! Benefits Of Drinking Water...
Muffin-top. Pot-belly. Beer belly. Apple-shaped. Spare tire. Whatever you want to call it, belly fat is always up to no good. Whether it’s making our...
Now that you’ve started this endeavor of living a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to track your progress. We’ve all faced that excitement of losing a few...
If you’re tired of New Year’s resolutions (and blogs telling you how to dominate them), then this post may be refreshing. Finding Your Purpose The...
Every year we make resolutions hoping for the best. We have the best intentions but don’t have the resources to truly pursue our resolutions. Working...
I’m excited to quit the gym. Yep. There, I said it. Here’s why I’m pumped to workout at home (with The Fit Tutor workouts!) and how...
This was was originally from my Detox Your Life in a Year series! It will help you choose healthier fragrances and personal care products! Tis...
We are quickly approaching the most traveled time of the year! Having whiplash has made me a trial and error expert in pain-free and healthy travel....
It’s time to throw off the stigma that exercise is a waste of time during the holidays. I’m here to tell you an extremely important...
Overfishing. High mercury levels. Toxic fish farms. Healthy protein. Good Omega-3 content… There’s so much information to sift through when trying to choose healthy seafood....
I’m excited to share with you some of my journey learning to handle setbacks. I’m focusing mainly on my health and my fitness routine, but the coping strategies...
Boost Your Fitness Success What if I told you that you could reach your goals with a higher success rate, faster, and without as many detours?...
Detox Your Life In A Year: October Friends, I’m so excited to have my friend Stephanie Shrock guest post for this month’s detox blog! She...
This month’s Detox Your Life in a Year post is an important one! Your deodorant may contain lots of harmful chemicals, and you’re putting it...
Whether you are the mom who cried by the bus on the first day of school or the mom who opened a bottle of bubbly to...
Detox Your Life In A Year: August Toxic Chemicals In Your Beauty Products Could Be Harming Your Health Did you know that there are known carcinogens, animal...
I’m so excited you are trying to learn more about kicking that sugar habit! Read on for tips on how, and join us for a sugar detox...
Why you should ditch sugar One of the biggest things I’ve been preaching lately to friends and family is ditching sugar. I see people’s eyes...
What if your aches and pains could go away and you could look five pounds lighter? For many of us, our posture and muscular imbalances...
This Detox Your Life in a Year topic is one I’m extremely excited about! Ridding your lives of this chemical will help you to not only detox...
The idea of fix one thing is how I live my life. You will rarely ever see me jump on a bandwagon and drastically transform...
Do you know how to buy the best beef? We’re not talking the best cuts or perfect prime rib- we’re talking about meat without strains...
How often do you think about what you eat? I’m pleased as punch to see more people being health conscious, learning what’s really in their...
If you want to detox your life, you want to avoid consuming chemicals then buy better poultry. These chemicals not only can contribute to cancer...
If you have ever wondered when you should increase how much weight you lift, then you’ve come to the right place. This post is tailored...
This week I am so excited to share a fun, lighthearted post with you and give you a little sneak peak into my world. I...
I’m really excited for this post of “Detox your life in a year!” This month’s topic of consuming chemical-free dairy has been one of THE...
Many people have misconceptions about protein. I get the question “How much protein do I need?” all the time. Let’s face it- living in this...
I think it’s safe to say that almost every woman is insecure about her body. Some are not, and honestly, I’m a little jealous of...
February is Heart Disease Awareness month, and I’m so excited to be able to share with you some important statistics and preventative methods, and hopefully...
Welcome back to this exciting series! I’m pumped you are taking this time to learn how to detoxify your body. This is a gift to...
Detox Your Life in a Year series: January Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the amount of health and wellness information that’s out there? In...
Dear reader: I must warn you the content of this blog post is incredibly important to your health! I must also warn you that its charisma-factor...
The Busy Trap plagues our society, leaving us stressed, with full schedules, and no time for ourselves. “Being __________ is time consuming, hard work, and...
One of the biggest reasons that trainers hear about why people don’t workout is they lack time. If you’ve read my past posts, you know I think that...
We are from all walks of life, have different genes and varying body fat percentages; we have different careers and levels of education, but I...
What if I told you that you should NOT workout every day? That rest is vital to your weight-loss, your health, and your ability to build...
I’m sure by now you have all heard of SMART goals. I 100% believe in their effectiveness, and this is not the only blog I will...
Today I want to use Psychology to trick you into enjoying exercise even if you hate it. As many of you know, I was...
Healthy Holiday Eating Tips There are a bazillion calories waiting for you during the Holidays- but good news!- there are also a bazillion tips on...
I know you have been anxiously awaiting Part 2 of my Healthy Holiday Eating Tips blog post! :) These are my tried-and-true ways to survive the Holiday Party scene...
‘Tis the season for resolutions, goals, crowded gyms, and inspired people! I love this time of year (minus not being able to get an elliptical...
Lifting weights is by far my favorite way to exercise. There are so many health benefits to it, and it’s good for those of us...
Have you ever tried an exercise that was too challenging for you? There are many reasons why we may need to change an exercise to...